Volevo provare un approccio differente dal solito per la regressione lineare
Il problema e' relativo alla terza fase del creep in frane la cui legge tra il tempo e l'inverso della velocita' e' approssimata a lineare
Questi dati sono ripresi dall' articolo Tommaso Carlà,Emanuele Intrieri,Federico Di Traglia,Teresa Nolesini,Giovanni Gigli,Nicola Casagli "Guidelines on the use of inverse velocity method as a tool for setting alarm thresholds and forecasting landslides and structure collapses" Landslides DOI 10.1007/s10346-016-0731-5 per la frana di Montebeni. La freccia verde indica la data dell'evento reale e la freccia rossa la data stimata
La terza fase e' stata modellata tramite regressione a minimi quadrati applicando alcuni filtri
Alla fine i risultati sono molto simili. C'e' da notare che
1) essendo il modello Montecarlo non deterministico i risultati non sono mai identici tra una run e la successiva. Ciao' comporta anche uno spostamento dell'intercetta della retta con l'asse del tempo spostando il TOF (time of failure)
2) sia la regressione a minimi quadrati che quella bayesiana sono molto sensibili al dataset (anche perche' alla fine ci sono solo una vendita di misure). Basta omettere un solo dato all'inizio che la correlazione e' sensibilmente differente. Questo comporta la difficolta' di definire in modo univoco il passaggio dalla fase 2 alla fase 3 del creep
I dati sono
14, 0.4586046511627907
28, 0.44000000000000006
42, 0.30604651162790697
56, 0.27813953488372095
70, 0.28930232558139535
84, 0.3227906976744187
98, 0.21860465116279076
112, 0.17023255813953395
126, 0.17953488372092963
140, 0.1367441860465109
154, 0.13302325581395344
168, 0.11441860465116252
182, 0.08837209302325501
196, 0.0958139534883719
210, 0.14046511627906993
224, 0.13860465116279058
238, 0.09581395348837188
252, 0.04744186046511625
266, 0.051162790697674376
280, 0.02883720930232564
294, 0.030697674418604465
308, 0.010232558139534276
Per il codice sottostante ho modificato un esempio preso da chatgpt
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load CSV data
def load_data(csv_path):
data = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
return data
# Define the likelihood function (Gaussian likelihood)
def likelihood(y, X, beta):
predictions = np.dot(X, beta)
return -0.5 * np.sum((y - predictions) ** 2)
# Define the prior function (Normal prior)
def prior(beta, sigma=10):
return -0.5 * np.sum(beta ** 2) / (sigma ** 2)
# Define the proposal distribution (random walk)
def proposal(beta, step_size=0.1):
return beta + np.random.normal(0, step_size, size=beta.shape)
# Metropolis-Hastings sampler
def metropolis_hastings(X, y, initial_beta, n_samples, step_size=0.1):
beta = initial_beta
samples = []
for _ in range(n_samples):
# Propose new beta
beta_new = proposal(beta, step_size)
# Compute likelihood and prior for current and proposed beta
current_likelihood = likelihood(y, X, beta) + prior(beta)
new_likelihood = likelihood(y, X, beta_new) + prior(beta_new)
# Metropolis-Hastings acceptance step
acceptance_ratio = min(1, np.exp(new_likelihood - current_likelihood))
# Accept or reject the proposed beta
if np.random.rand() < acceptance_ratio:
beta = beta_new
return np.array(samples)
# Prediction function based on posterior samples
def predict(X, posterior_samples):
predictions = np.dot(X, posterior_samples.T)
return predictions.mean(axis=1), predictions.std(axis=1)
def predictLeastSquare(X, beta):
# Add intercept term to the new data
X_with_intercept = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
return X_with_intercept @ beta
# Forecast function for new input data
def forecast(X_new, posterior_samples):
# X_new is the new data for which we want to forecast
return predict(X_new, posterior_samples)
def linear_least_squares(X, y):
# Add intercept term (column of ones)
X_with_intercept = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
# Compute the coefficients using the normal equation: β = (X^T X)^(-1) X^T y
beta = np.linalg.inv(X_with_intercept.T @ X_with_intercept) @ X_with_intercept.T @ y
return beta
# Main function
def run_bayesian_linear_regression(csv_path, n_samples=1000000, step_size=0.1):
# Load data from CSV
data = load_data(csv_path)
# Assuming the last column is the target 'y' and the rest are features 'X'
X = data.iloc[:, :-1].values
y = data.iloc[:, -1].values
beta = linear_least_squares(X, y)
y_pred = predictLeastSquare(X, beta)
# Add a column of ones for the intercept term (beta_0)
X = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
# Initialize the parameters (beta_0, beta_1, ...)
initial_beta = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
# Perform Metropolis-Hastings sampling
posterior_samples = metropolis_hastings(X, y, initial_beta, n_samples, step_size)
# Get predictions
mean_predictions, std_predictions = predict(X, posterior_samples)
# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(y, label="True values")
plt.plot(mean_predictions, label="Bayesian Regr")
plt.fill_between(range(len(y)), mean_predictions - std_predictions,
mean_predictions + std_predictions, alpha=0.3, label="Err")
plt.plot(y_pred, label="Least Square", color='red')
return posterior_samples
# Usage example
csv_path = 'dati.csv' # Replace with the path to your CSV file
posterior_samples = run_bayesian_linear_regression(csv_path)
new_data = pd.DataFrame({
'feature1': [30, 35] # Replace with your features
X_new = np.hstack([np.ones((new_data.shape[0], 1)), new_data.values])
# Forecast values using the posterior samples
mean_forecast, std_forecast = forecast(X_new, posterior_samples)
# Output the forecasts
print("Forecasted values (mean):", mean_forecast)
print("Forecasted values (95% CI):", mean_forecast - 1.96 * std_forecast, mean_forecast + 1.96 * std_forecast)
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